






 [idea]    [description]    [parabolic flight]    [pictures]   


the experiment


While storming our brains we first had e selection of about seven different ideas for experiments for the flight campaign. Also the ball game was among the first ideas and it was ever since a kind of favourite! A week later we consulted our endorsing Professor and when he was also most enthusiastic about the idea to create a game for astronauts basing on simple elements like balls, strokes and a box with "goals", it was clear that we would go on working on this experiment.

Soon the details of the experiment have become clear and now we are trying the best to bring the idea to Bordeaux!!!


experiment description

The first goal is, to study 3-dimensional strokes between spheres driven by intermittent airflows. For that,  the two experimenters flying together will try to cause as many controlled strokes between spheres as possible in the given time of micro gravity.

Spheres will be made of different materials and will have different surfaces. So different reactions after strokes and rebounds from the walls are expected, as well as different spheres velocities.

A manometer will indicate the pressure data from the tubes. 

The whole experiment (including the manometer displays) will be recorded by a video camera and afterwards digitalized and processed by a computer program developed by the Department of Ergonomics of the Technical University of Munich. The program will allow to get the information, such as the velocities of the spheres or the reaction of the spheres to airflows. This information will permit to evaluate which material is the most indicated for the game.

For the matters of playability and connection between game playing and physical training, evaluation of the recorded videos and experiences of the experimenters will be used.


parabolic flight

What is a parabolic flight??

Flying a parabola means to imitate the natural trajectory of an object being thrown forward. This means that the aircraft performing a parabolic flight "falls" freely for about 20 seconds. During this short period, the humans and objects inside the aircraft are not any more under any kind of external force. It is therefore used to create a gravitational condition similar to that in an earth orbit or on space travel. Parabolic flights are used both to run experiments and to prepare astronauts for their space missions.


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